Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And Veggies are Supposed To Be Good For You!

My garden is flourishing. At least for a garden planted by me. I've harvested some beautiful lettuce, spinach and snow peas. They looked and smelled so wonderful when I was out there picking them last night, that I just had to try a few.

I was having a pretty good day -- only a few urgent trips to the rest room, and comparatively little pain. So I decided to chance it. I ate a couple of crisp, fresh lettuce and spinach leaves, and two snow peas -- stringy parts removed. I chewed thoroughly, enjoying the flavor. 

I thought that I might get a way with it. I felt pretty well through the evening and overnight I slept better than usual. I was sneakily noticing these subtle improvements, as I watch for signs that the Cimzia might be working to quell my Crohn's symptoms. But I didn't want to celebrate too soon. You know, thinking of it in a superstitious way, that could jinx the whole thing. 

Then, this morning the consequences came. I recognized my indulgence, though I thought I'd chewed my vegetables better than I actually had, by the looks of things. A bit of bleeding too. But not much pain. And the diarrhea didn't continue all day. Just for a while in the morning, in an unusually self-limiting way. 

So maybe the Cimzia is starting to work. I hope so.

Tonight, I drank my fresh veggies in a green smoothie with frozen blueberries and bananas. It tasted good. I hope it spends enough time inside to do me some good.

If not, I'll be sharing more garden veggies than usual with family and friends. Someone should enjoy those luscious greens!

We'll see. 

- Beth

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