Sunday, July 8, 2012

Counting Blessings

After 40 hours awake, last night sleep came again. Woohoo!

By yesterday afternoon, I was getting a bit cranky, clumsy and critical. Dropping and spilling things.  Losing track of conversations (even worse than usual J). Easily irritated, and, I’m sure, irritating to others (poor Dave). Feeling lazy and tired, but not sleepy. Generally bummed out.

Sweet Dave took me to get a yummy turkey sandwich for lunch at the Honey baked Ham store (no lettuce or tomatoes, please), and our daughter and her hubby, Megan and Jeff, came over for takeout pizza at dinnertime. So that was good.

It got me thinking about God’s tender mercies – counting my blessings.
My family (except Samuel in France)
 at Megan's & Jeff's wedding last October.

Here are 10 things I’m grateful for:

1.     Family: I love, love, LOVE my family members, both here and watching/helping from the other side. So much love and support. Dave, the kids, their spouses and our first grandchild – priceless!
2.     Christ: He shoulders my every burden, has already paid every debt, righted every wrong. Sometimes I just forget.
3.     Education: It is forever ongoing. I’m grateful that my parents steered me to college, for the degrees I earned, and for all I keep learning, both professionally and personally.
4.     Senses: Vision, touch, smell, hearing, taste. Such joyful, beautiful ways to connect with people and the world.
5.     Memories: Bring smiles & comfort, teach lessons when I let them (sometimes again and again).
6.     Music: Lifts my spirit. Lets me express and feel things that have no words.
7.     Mobility: Walking, flight, cars, travel to be with loved ones, see new things.
8.     Laughter: Better than a good cry. Dave makes me laugh every day.
9.     Friends: I’m surrounded, thank heaven, by so much love!
My before-breakfast meds.
Colorful, right?!
10. Medicine: The side effects can suck, but medication keeps me here to enjoy other blessings, can relieve pain and suffering; some even cure disease!
Me today -- 25 pounds heavier
than in my mug shot on the right.
Thanks Prednisone!

And counting . . .

Take care,


1 comment:

  1. You inspire me with your outlook! Stay happy!
