Sunday, July 17, 2011

OK Cimzia, you have until the NAHC conference, or you're fired!

The Cimzia injections were due on Thursday, but I put them off until Friday, because I had tickets for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Just in case any side effects showed themselves, I didn't want to take a chance of missing or not enjoying the movie. It was great, by the way. My daughter, Amy, and I went back and saw it again at 11 a.m. on Friday. Good times.

So Friday, I took the two Cimzia injections. They hurt, as usual, but other than that, I didn't notice any side effects. In fact I haven't noticed ANY effects AT ALL from the Cimzia yet -- good or bad. Maybe it's too soon. Or, maybe it won't be something that works for me. Any differences I've had in GI symptoms since starting the Cimzia can't be attributed to it, I don't think.

Cimzia didn't prevent the flare up on July 4th weekend -- the one that I got the Prednisone to bring under control. And the symptom relief is directly attributable to the Prednisone, in my opinion. I was grateful for those feeling-better days. Since last time I wrote, I've eased back into solid foods. I went to a bridal shower and family reunion, and ate normal food (well, some of it anyway), and enjoyed it! Hooray! And I drove three hours each, to and from Idaho, without any emergency, don't-know-if-I-can-make-it-in-time rest stops. And GI symptoms didn't make me miss one minute of the Harry Potter finale movie. Mostly, I've been free of cramping and diarrhea until today. And it hasn't gotten that bad so far. Relatively minor at this point, other than needing to stay near a rest room for a couple of hours tonight. 

In October I'm giving three 90-minute presentations at the National Association for Home Health and Hospice convention in Las Vegas. I've presented and taught on a national stage before, and have managed to avoid any embarrassing problems. You know, like having to run from the stage with hundreds of eyes following my unsuccessful attempt to get to the rest room in time (one of my nightmares, of course). But it's always required some extremely careful planning. Liquids only, intense prayers and anticipatory antidiarrheal meds on the day of my presentation seem to do the trick. But I worry that one of these times I won't be so blessed.

Even more important in October will be my daughter, Megan's wedding day. I would dearly LOVE to feel great for that!

Wouldn't it be nice if, by October, the Cimzia actually DID work, and I was symptom-free and feeling like a relatively normal person by then? For that I would be truly grateful. On the other hand, if the Cimzia HASN'T made a significant difference by then, I think I'll fire it. 

OK Cimzia, did you hear that? You've got three months to make a difference! Or else!

Take care,


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had some good days while you traveled. Keep writing. Luann
