Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can We Talk?

In spite of the dearth of comments in response to my blog posts, I know a few people do view it.

Hopefully, some of you also read it.

What very few have done so far is to post comments.

Now, I realize that discussing one's bowel issues is daunting. So, my blog will let you post anonymously. Nobody (not even me) will know who wrote your message.

And maybe what you write will help someone else who reads it.

Besides, there's something liberating about getting problems and opinions out in the open -- even if nobody knows it's yours.

So, be brave. Post a comment once in a while if you have a thought or experience to share.

But don't stop reading if you don't want to post. It's not as much fun to write for nobody!



  1. Thank you for your blog. In my family several of us have IBS, as well as other medical issues. In a culture that seems dominated by food it can seem isolating, unjust, and overwhelming to begin to take steps toward controlling bowel symptoms. Reading your blog helps me renew my efforts, not only to control my symptoms, but to accept my body's limitations with grace and serenity. Please keep writing!

  2. So true! Don't give up. It helps to hear others are struggling too. And maybe sharing what works for us will help someone else! Thank you for your comment.

  3. Haha I just commented a couple of entries back. I'm reading all this a year later though. I hope you got some feedback when you needed it.
