Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Can I just say "OUCH!"

I was feeling hopeful – and may be a bit smug – when my latest Prednisone taper was down to 5 mg daily, and I was still feeling relatively well when I had a couple of days with no Prednisone.

Then it happened.

This morning I woke up with that familiar, intermittent, right-upper-quadrant pain. I had to bail on today’s plans (sorry Samantha!) and spend the morning in bed. I called the pharmacy and got more Prednisone – started a 40 mg dose this morning that will taper down yet again.  And I took some bisacodyl laxatives (15 mg spread throughout the day) and some good, old-fashioned chocolate and lots and lots of liquids – clear and full. Hopefully, that combo staves off an obstruction. Tonight, it seems to be working.  Pain is as absent as solid food. And things seem to be moving through OK.

After my nap and a trip to the pharmacy I got on the phone.

It turns out that I hadn’t heard back from the surgeon’s office to get an appointment because they hadn’t yet received my medical records requested from my other to doctors. (I know. It seemed a little extreme to me too, that they won’t even schedule me an appointment until the information gets there.)

So I called my GI doc and my family practice doc offices and asked them anew to send the information to the surgeon. I even gave them a name to put the fax to the attention of (Awkward grammar, huh?) and recited the fax number, making sure they got it. Tomorrow, I’ll call the surgeon’s office again to find out if the info came and try again to set up the appointment.

I wonder how far ahead they’re scheduling at this point. I’ll keep you posted!

Take care of yourself,
